No, Neha Dhupia is not pregnant. Her actor husband Angad Bedi finally broke his silence on the rumours about the actress' pregnancy, which were doing the round on social media soon after they got married. The 35-year-old actor told reporters at a recent event that whenever they will be expecting a baby, they'll share the news with everyone, reports mid-day. The couple's hush-hush wedding was attributed to reports of Neha's pregnancy but her father Pradip Singh Dhupia told Dainik Bhaskar: "No, there is no such thing at all. Since the two got married early, people are thinking otherwise but there is no such thing. People will keep talking about things and spread rumors as per their wish."
Neha and Angad headed to US soon after their wedding for their work commitments and their honeymoon is still pending. In Mumbai, Neha and Angad are catching up with their friends and Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu were on the top their socialising list. Soha tweeted a picture from their double date and introduced Neha and Angad as "Mr and Mrs." Check out pictures from their brunch here.
Angad and Neha's wedding was a private affair. The wedding took place at a gurudwara in Delhi on May 10 and they shared the big news with their fans on social media. "Best decision of my life. Today, I married my best friend. Hello there, husband, Angad Bedi,"tweeted Neha while Angad wrote, "Best friend, now wife. Well, hello there, Mrs Bedi."
Former Miss India Neha Dhupia has featured in films such as Action Replayy, Chup Chup Ke and Singh Is Kinng among others. The 37-year-old actress was last seen in Tumhari Sulu and she currently features as one of the gang leaders on reality show Roadies Xtreme. She will next be seen in Eelastarring Kajol.
Angad Bedi has appeared in films like F.A.L.T.U, Ungli and Pink. He is the son of former Indian cricketer Bishan Singh Bedi.
Neha and Angad headed to US soon after their wedding for their work commitments and their honeymoon is still pending. In Mumbai, Neha and Angad are catching up with their friends and Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu were on the top their socialising list. Soha tweeted a picture from their double date and introduced Neha and Angad as "Mr and Mrs." Check out pictures from their brunch here.
Angad and Neha's wedding was a private affair. The wedding took place at a gurudwara in Delhi on May 10 and they shared the big news with their fans on social media. "Best decision of my life. Today, I married my best friend. Hello there, husband, Angad Bedi,"tweeted Neha while Angad wrote, "Best friend, now wife. Well, hello there, Mrs Bedi."
Angad Bedi has appeared in films like F.A.L.T.U, Ungli and Pink. He is the son of former Indian cricketer Bishan Singh Bedi.
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